#and sometimes protectors have to be monsters to defend what they love
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sotwk · 2 days ago
How beautiful was Legolas's mother?
Thoughts about the beauty of Elvenqueen Maereth, wife of Thranduil (SotWK AU)
Was she more beautiful than the average or "common" elf? Certainly, yes. A quick review of her ancestry: her canon relatives include Fëanor, Maglor, Círdan, and Olwë/Eärwen. Her grandmother was a protégé of Vána the Ever-young and basked directly in the light of Laurelin. Maereth was born very, very beautiful, especially to the eyes of mortal races and those who have had little or no contact with High Elves.
But what about compared to the other royal elf-maids in history, particularly those famed for their beauty, such as Lúthien, Idril, Elwing, Galadriel, and Arwen?
An objective party would not judge Maereth as more beautiful than, or even as beautiful as any of them.
Instead, what people remembered and reacted to most when they saw the Elvenqueen was the way she made them feel. Mortal races tend to automatically regard Elves with awe and reverence, and sometimes Elves--without trying--even make them feel uncomfortable, suspicious, or intimidated (you see this more in the adaptations than the books, though).
It was not so with the Maereth, even given her high status as the queen of an Elven realm.
Warmth. Comfort. Safety. Healing. Rest. Those were the things people affiliated with Maereth, just from the sight of her. Anyone fortunate enough to speak with her and spend time with her (as she was often happy to do with new acquaintances) often felt they had come home to the embrace of an old friend or beloved family member, perhaps even a loving mother. It was part of the "elf magic" she possessed that was really just an aspect of her nature.
Maereth was not known to intimidate or scare even the lowest or meekest of creatures, whether intentionally or passively. Even monsters or the black-hearted did not experience fear in her presence, but rather a deep sorrow, regret, and self-loathing that led to hatred. This often made enemy encounters more dangerous for her; fortunately, she possessed the power to defend herself, and was also never short of protectors.
Tales and historical accounts about the Elvenqueen, therefore, were not dominated by praises of her beauty. Often, stories described the effect the encounter had on those who met her, the way it changed their lives, or the deeds they inspired.
It should go without saying however, (but I will say it anyway), that her husband and sons and her people absolutely declared her to be the most beautiful being to ever walk Middle-earth... but again that came from a place of whole-hearted love and bias, than objective opinion.
SotWK Fancast: Jennifer Connelly as Elvenqueen Maereth
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elfecassepied · 4 months ago
yap to me about your Dsmp x Epic AU!! I'd love to hear about it!! :DDDDDD
Yeeeesss *vibrating*
Me with this au right now:
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Ok so. I'm a big fan of the Odyssey and Epic the musical, the story of the AU isn't a 100% copy of these sources materials mostly characters like and lore like. For what I've seen now the narrative course is the same than the musical until the Vengeance Saga (the Vengeance Saga rocks but I want to do something a little different and maybe closer than the original Odyssey. I'm not sure yet but I just love the Phaeacians so much I will do something including them). I don't really care about the Troy war (I mean in the au, I love classicals Iliad included) so I didn't bother matching dsmp's characters for Iliad's characters, like Diomedes, Aganemnon, Helen and all.
Dream is the reigning king of Ithaca(™) who is dragged, literally, in the L'Manberg war away from his family. George is his wife (we don't believe in gender in this house) and I chosed Tubbo to be Telemachus (inspired by one of the dynamic I sometimes see in fanfiction were Tubbo and Dream are brothers coded).
George gets a little more, proactive role I would say, in defending his house from the suitors. Suitors started to come since 11 years or something like that. He can't really fight all these men who are youngs, well equipped and full of energy when himself runs a kingdom low on resources and men where the current military force is young and unexperienced (missing the prev generation to teach them). So he uses more sneaky ways, and it's not so rare than some suitors suddenly change their mind and leave or were never been seen again after getting a little to bold. Callahan is George's confidant and "right hand man" and yes he helps him hide the bodies. George also has an ongoing deal with the god HD (Hera's role).
Tubbo doesn't know what's going on but George said him to always tell me if one of the men was rude to him (the ones who threatened his son always disappeared first). But he tries to help is own way which mostly translate by being a little shit and sometimes got into fights with the assholes, like the small feral gremlin he is.
On the other side of the sea, Dream just lost around ten of his men including his little-brother/almost-son figure Ranboo to the hands of an angered cyclop, Ponk. And follows it by having a fight with his protector god and perceived friend Technoblade, resulting in the god leaving him alone to face the new challenges on his way: especially the wrath of the god Sam, who was Ponk's boyfriend oops. He will encounter threats and allies equally, including: the god Philza and his crows minions, the shape-shifting enchanter Quackity on his island of Las Nevadas, visiting the underworld to have a chat with the prophet Karl Jacob, slaying some sirens and feeding the sea monster Nikki with some of his own men.
At first I wanted to make a parallel between the human trio Dream, George and Sapnap (Eurylochus), and a god trio XD (Zeus), HD (Hera) and PVP (as Apollo or Ares I wasn't sure). However I changed my mind, made Punz Dream's best friend and right hand man and yeeted PVP to make Sapnap himself a god because I wanted to have an unnecessary Karlnapity storyline in the background. Take it, it's free.
Also I separated Wilbur in two characters: L'Manberg Wilbur/Ghostbur named William who was the crown prince of L'Manberg and died in the war before the beginning of my story and Pogtopia Wilbur/Revived Wilbur who I call Wilbur and who is an exiled titan, ancient friend of Philza and Technoblade, playing the role of Calypso. Tommy was William's little brother and a literal toddler Dream killed by throwing him from L'Manberg's walls.
I have an ongoing theme with how mask/hiding face is linked to inhumanity and how gods or godly beings Dream will meet on his way will somehow hide a part or their full face ; and how he himself started to wear his iconic mask as he chose the path of monstrosity ; and at the same time George assassinated suitors in silence, wearing a veil and pretending to grief his husband ; while Technoblade even if he said he was done™ with humans will be befriended by Tubbo until he stops wearing his mask around him because he's growing closer to humanity. So yeah shits like that.
I will end this little vent with a non-fixed list of the gods I talked about and their domains:
XD (Zeus), king of the gods, god of order, power, lighting, possibilities and civilization
HD (Hera), queen of the gods, god of night, sleep, oaths and destiny
Sam (Poseidon), god of sea, strength, earthquakes, energy and creativity
Technoblade (Athena), god of blood, battles, vitality and strategies
Philza (Aeolus), god of winds, tempests, travelers, sailors and change
Sapnap (Apollo), god of the Sun, fire, protection and loyalty
Wilbur (Calypso), titan of music, song, chaos and free-spirit (for now *wink*Fundy*wink*) (ex titan of fire and war)
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trippygalaxy · 1 year ago
The Spring Keeper
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An idea for a (GN)Reader x Twilight headcanon series? Fic? No clue, but I had this idea of the reader being like, the keeper of the Ordon spring and im lowkey loving it.
I'll expand on this more if people are interested!!
Pairing: GN! reader x Twilight Warnings: Mention of child abandonment,
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Since reader was young, they always had a connection to the Ordon spring. Most of the village believes that because when they found the (human or hyilan) child in the middle of the winter, seemingly abandoned for goddesses knows how long, the child's cheeks held no flushness and was warm to the touch even when laying along snowy bank of the frozen over spring
As they grew, they became more fascinated by the spring, like it was a second home...a safe place. Always hanging around there, always in the water and always giggling even when no one was near. Though no one really saw anything, it wasn't uncommon to hear the splashing of hooves accompany the young one's wild giggles.
In Reader's early teens, they had many dreams with with the spirit Ordona in them. The two would relax in the spring, like two old friends catching up with one another after years apart but sometimes….sometimes the dreams wouldn't be in the springs and those ones...Those ones were far from 'dreams.' Reader would see many disasters that would pass over the village like a horrible blanket. (IE, big winter coming so stock up, monsters getting too close to the village, homes/structures in the village in need of repair that arent obivous at the first glance.)
At first Reader ignored these nightmares, not knowing what to make of them but too scared to speak out about them in fear of being seen as 'nutty' or just...crazy but there was one person Reader often confided to. Twilight.
The two young teens had always been close, even at a young age, and so when the teenage boy notices his closest friend walk around like they were a tired corpse, he was quick to check up on them.
So when Reader quietly confessed about their horrible dreams and their concerns for the villages safety, Twilight was quick to offer his aid to his dear friend, offering to be the one who tells others about these concerns but phrases it as his own concerns so his friend, reader, wouldn't be in the spotlight.
But soon enough, the dreams were found out and the village (mostly mayor Bo and a few other adults) started to piece together the reader's strange connection to the spring!
Reader, having been seemingly selected by Ordona as it's avatar, was now deemed the protector and caretaker of the spring! And as they have taken up the role, their once subtle abilities started to become much more prominent!
But as the years gone by, Twilight was ALWAYS by their side, always defending them and always making sure they would take care of themself even when they pour their heart and soul into taking care of the spring and the spirit.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 1 year ago
The reaction of the companions from fo3 to the fact that, in the opinion of Lone Wanderer, they are more than just murderers / monsters / jerks. With a hint of romance.
Fo3 Companions Reactions to Lone Telling Them That They're More Than What They Think
➼ Word Count » 1.0k ➼ Warnings » Angst? ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic
Charon doesn't know what to think when you tell him. It's not something he's ever really thought about much, but now that you've brought it up, he feels more relieved? He's not sure how to describe it, he just knows that it makes him feel less like a tool and more like your companion. The comment weighs on him a lot more than he'd care to admit. How could he be more than a murderer when that's all he's ever done? When it's all he's ever known? How could he be more than that? He'll resent you for a while, secretly, of course, but resentful. There have been numerous times when his contractor would do something similar -- just trying to be 'friendlier' with him. but it always meant that they'd start asking bigger favors. He doesn't trust you, or at the very least he's scared to. He's been traveling with you for a while now, and he's slowly been getting more and more used to having you around. He'd hate to have that growing familiarity he feels for you be crushed by the revelation you're just like the rest. So he bides his time, waiting for any sign that you meant what you said. But until then, he'll huff and roll his eyes, as he does his best to stamp out any hope he might have for this relationship to be so much more than what he's used to expecting, not wanting to get fooled by the end of it again.
Clover just laughs, waving it off dismissively as she continues doing whatever she was previously. Murderer? She's not a murderer. Honestly, she thinks it's comical that you'd even suggest her being such a thing. Although, the more time that goes by, the more she considers your words. A murderer? She's not a murderer, is she? She's just been following orders -- just doing what she needs to do to survive... right? She'll come and find you one night and just cry into your shoulder. She won't say anything, just hug you and sob, repeating over and over again that she's sorry and that she's grateful you've been so accepting of her up to this point. The next morning she'll be back to her usual self. With the way she acts, it'll seem as if nothing has changed, but on the inside, she's never felt so loved -- genuinely loved.
Star Paladin Cross just smiles. Of course, she's more than a murderer! She's a defender of the people! A protector for the pride of the Brotherhood! She's not concerned about that image of hers being tarnished in such a way. However, a part of her feels sad when she thinks about your words to her. Did you see her in that way? Is that why you said it? It's definitely conflicting, especially when considering she's not fully human. You didn't really see her as a monster, did you? As a killer? She doesn't let it interfere with her relationship with you or her duty to the Brotherhood. Still, it'll always weigh in the back of her mind as a possibility, even if what you said was meant to be taken positively.
Jericho just chuckles at the notion. He knows exactly what he is, and he's not afraid to admit to things he's done in his past. Still, though, the sentiment was sweet enough, especially when coming from someone as young and naive as you. You haven't seen anything out here, have you? Of course, you haven't. That's why you're still sticking around him, right? Sometimes, he forgets how innocent some people are. He's old and always found a way to be in the center of violence, but you? You're fragile. You haven't seen what the wasteland can truly become, and he likes that about you. You need him, and a part of you helps ground him back into a more hopeful version of the world that he's been missing for quite a while now.
Butch scoffs when you tell him. Who do you think you are? You're not his mom. He could care less what you think of him. Sure, he might've been a little cruel when you both still lived in the Vault, but that was the past. He'll roll his eyes, give you a quiet 'whatever', and go about as normal. The thought still sticks with him, though, and after a while, it's all he seems to be able to think about. Did you used to see him in such a negative way? It'd make sense. He'd never really been kind to you. There's a small twinge of guilt that stings at him the longer he thinks back to all those moments in 101. He finds himself being softer with you after--not yelling out as much, not making as many rude remarks, and restocking your ammo when he notices it getting low. He'll begin to feel genuine guilt for everything he's done toward you and wants to make up for it as best he can.
Fawkes wants to cry when you tell him. He can't help but pull you into a friendly hug and thank you for your kindness. Honestly, he never thought he'd see the day someone saw him as something other than a monster, but he's glad he was wrong. Before, he might've stood a bit farther back so that it didn't seem like you came with him, but now he stands beside you, proudly following you into any establishment or city. He loves your company and would defend you to the death if it ever came down to it. He becomes so much more sentimental towards you and your belongings. If something's too heavy for you, he'll gladly come over and carry it for you. If someone looks like they're bothering you, he wouldn't mind being the large presence behind you. You're the first person in a long time who's cared for him and he'd never take it for granted.
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tessarionbestgirl · 4 months ago
“fanarts circulando no Twitter onde eles reutilizam o tropo de Alicole com Rhaenicest”
Oh 100% and it goes both ways!
Rhaenyra is sometimes this masculine defender, protecting Alicent from all evil. I roll my eyes when I see this crap, they don’t know the first thing about Rhaenyra they’re just projecting Emma onto her.
Criston is Alicent’s protector, her protector from abusers like Viserys and Rhaenyra. They act like she’s scared of him, she doesn’t actually love him, she’s pretending he’s Rhaenyra etc. it’s so fricking racist.
Yep. 99% of the time I see Rh@enicest fanart on TL on twitter is because gone viral and usually the ones that gone viral are Rhaenyra as butch or a predatory animal of Alicent. While Rhaenyra in a sense wanted to be a "male heir". She still very feminine. Cersei does the same shit in the books and she still one of the most feminine characters on asoiaf.
I think is such a poor read on her character to just draw her as masculine. I not gonna believe I am going to say this, but. One of the main points Martin tries to make about women rulling, or writing in general when comes to female characters either in asoiaf or fire and blood. Is that you can't not abandon these attributes. You still need to written them as women in the context.
Look for exemple D&D most terrible mistake while writing women in Game of thones, is that to make them "strong" they started to write them as uncaring and without emotion, because for them emotions are feminine weaknesses. (A lot of modern writers write female characters as men, they put tits on 80's action heroes and call "feminism". )
Cersei believes that, and she tries to embrace all male behaviour that she likes, and she basically is becoming a monster on the books. Rhaenyra in the show is doing the same thing but is uplifted for the fandom and believe that means she is gender nonconformity.Rhaenyra doesn't want to be a man, she wants to do all the things man in Westerosi can do while she can't as woman. And that means, fight, rule and be promiscuous. Those are not gender specific. But she believes doing all those things as men have no consequence. What is untrue, but that is why she wants it.
But going back on they using that trope and Rhaenyra being her protector is even more untrue. Because she is Alicent biggest dangerous. Erasing the canon male minority is being to greedy.
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nothingtherefornow · 5 months ago
Thomas Astruc on Chloe:
Really, the best lesson that the character of Chloé brings is this deleterious bias in humans that we find in many relationships...
You can behave like the worst garbage, all you need is a micro-good deed and all of a sudden, many will forgive everything. Let the oppressor give the oppressed a treat and we will praise their humanity...
On the other hand, you can be the best of people, and it will only take a tiny gap for the same people to nail you to the pillory. Like some do for Marinette. It's a phenomenon that we see everywhere. In politics, but even in abusive relationships...
Fascinating, really. I wonder how we can do to counteract to that.
And there is not so much in the character of Chloé that is interesting, but the reactions it provokes.
On the one hand, there are those who cling to these good deeds, which would be supposed to show that she is kind, deep down, without ever questioning what motivates these actions.
A bit like in abusive relationships, in which, when we are dealing with a monster, we often convince ourselves that they will change, not only because we are driven by the desire to help them, but also not not lose everything we have emotionally invested in the relationship.
But the important thing is not that the monster is capable of good deeds from time to time. That's why they do them: to be able to stay in control. They let go of the ballast to be able to better remake the evil behind. Carrot, stick, carrot, stick. A hellish spiral.
On the other have, we have convinced those who don't even see how problematic it is. Those who think that at least she has character, a personality. Not like that water bottle of Marinette. The one who deserves the title of heroine is Chloé!
Well, sometimes she abuses a little, but it's not that bad. A magnanimity towards a character, which they obviously don't grant to Marinette.
Hyper-classical process in politics.
If a homeless person steals a packet of dough, or a young suburban man rides a scooter without a helmet, we will accuse the judges of laxity if there is no firm prison.
On the other hand, if a politician gets stuck for having embezzled millions, then suddenly, the same people who accused the judges of laxity, will accuse them of being inquisitors.
And of course, these are the first ones to draw the worst of insults. All this to defend a cartoon character.
Or rather to defend themselves, actually.
All while claiming to be the protectors of children: Think about it! What a message to send to young people, that a person cannot change!
Except that this is to ignore the obvious: children do not identify with the bad guys. They appreciate them as characters. They can even understand them if some backstory is given. But that's all.
The best proof is that toys of villains sell very poorly.
In any case, for my part, what I love about this character, beyond the pleasure we have in playing her in the stories by her caricature side, is what it reveals of those who "stan" her, as they say now. Angelism for some, toxic inclinations for others.
Not sure that if, they learned a lot about themselves, but it taught me a lot.
And you know what, he’s right!
I would also add that currently in France, we have a big part of our people which prefer to defend criminals and delinquents, rather than the people they hurt who are most often harmless citizens who pay their taxes and don't piss off anyone.
behind the excuse of right thinking they like to tell themselves that people who have committed horrible acts can change and that it would be too cruel to want to punish them, while as soon as a victim opens their mouth to denounce the injustices they suffered and demand that their executioner pay for their crimes, these same people do not hesitate to insult the victim with all the names.
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sagemonsters · 2 years ago
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@toastyghosty87 has a blind date with...
Cirrus the Angel
Cirrus is tall and regal, and although his true form involves dozens of wings and horns and too many eyes he prefers to appear as a winged humanoid with glowing skin (in order to not frighten humans half to death when he chooses to appear to them). He tends to hold himself aloof from mortal affairs, but when he noticed you it was impossible for him to keep his distance. 
Cirrus is a proud warrior angel, and is quick to defend your honor with the flaming sword he carries in a scabbard at his hip. Unfortunately, he sometimes misjudges a situation (he isn’t the greatest with human interpersonal stuff) and frightens people who don’t need to be frightened. However, he can’t stand bigotry of any kind, so more often than not his displays of awesome strength and power are justified.
He loves flying at night over glittering city lights, and will take you flying with him. These moments are precious to him; he loves being able to offer you a glimpse of the world the way he gets to see it, and cherishes your wonder and awe.
Cirrus is amazed by human artistic talent, and loves seeing your artistic endeavors as well as listening to the music you create. He’s an eager supporter of your work and is always happy to hear about your process. He can also sing quite well, but struggles to hold himself back from singing with his full angelic power and shattering the eardrums of all who hear him—therefore, he relegates himself to just listening.
Cirrus is initially shy about physical intimacy, although he loves touching you once he gets your permission to do so. His hugs are very warm and he relishes sleeping beside you at night. You never have nightmares when you fall asleep in an angel’s arms.
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“So you’re my… guardian angel?” you ask. You’re sitting out on the balcony at night, looking out over the surrounding farmland with your favorite cold beverage sweating in a glass at your elbow. It’s peaceful. The only thing interrupting the chirping of the crickets is the heavenly being standing before you.
The glowing, winged figure nods. “I appointed myself to the task of being your protector. You need looking after.”
“Really? Is something bad going to happen to me?”
“No, no, absolutely not,” the angel assures you. “I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“Okay,” you say slowly, thinking. “So… what’s your name?”
“A moniker of mine that is comprehensible by mortal minds is ‘Cirrus’. I hope it is sufficient,” the angel replies.
You tell him your name in return, then look towards the edge of the balcony. It’s not a terribly long drop to the ground, just thirteen feet or so feet thanks to the way the hill rises up to meet the house you’re (for now) staying at—but you’d definitely break your ankles if you jumped.
“Prove you’re gonna protect me,” you say, and fling yourself over the edge.
Strong, glowing arms quickly envelope you, and you find yourself suspended in the air as you look down at the surrounding fields. Cirrus arranges you comfortably in his arms, his wings pumping as he holds himself and you aloft.
“That was unnecessary,” he grumbles.
“Yeah, but I wanted to see if you were for real,” you say. “Thanks for catching me.”
“I couldn’t not,” the angel points out dryly, “since you’re now my charge. Do you want to go back down?”
“No,” you admit, looking out over the landscape once again. “It’s really nice to be up here with you.”
“I agree,” Cirrus murmurs, and flies higher to give you a better view.
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see here if you'd like your own blind date with a monster!
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months ago
For Talk Shop Tuesday: Have you ever had any fandom OC concepts that transformed into original OCs? What about recycling scrapped OC and OC concepts into other OCs?
Thank you so much!!
Talk Shop Tuesday
So for fandom OCs that became original OCs... not exactly? Sometimes I get the first nudges of a new OC or concept and I have to decide whether I want to place them into canon or come up with something new, but that usually happens very early on in the process. Here's some examples:
"What if there was a character who could see the threads of the future and was paralyzed by indecision because of it?" - still not sure what I'm doing with this one
"What if there was a character who's on a sort of individual looping timeline, where the world keeps moving forward but they can never die because their internal clock will just reset - but when it does, nobody else will remember that they've died?" - I'm thinking maybe an X-Men fic?
"What if a siren had their throat damaged in a fishing accident and couldn't sing, and therefore couldn't hunt to survive?" - original fiction
"What if werewolves were originally destined to be not monsters but protectors of their hometowns - designed to be strong and agile when non-wolf and able to defend the town from threats, and then the townspeople would return the favor by caring for them through their transformation periods?" - premise for a future fandom OC, though... I might just make this one an original idea since the fanfic would be obscure as all hell lmao
It doesn't always happen this way, I've definitely got some ideas that are purely original and some characters that I create with the intent of fanfiction, but sometimes I'll get a spontaneous idea and have to decide which world it belongs to. I've never had a finished character transfer from fandom to original fiction, just those first concepts.
As for recycling OCs into other ideas or fandoms? Oh yeah. Usually it happens either when my writing skills have outgrown the original concept for the character, and the revamp leads to some ideas being scrapped or recycled; or when I have an idea but the fandom turns out to be toxic, so I migrate the OC elsewhere.
I've talked about how Rae and Mira both stemmed from the same scrapped X-Men OC, back when I first started writing. That's the first example. I created the original OC and had her floating around in my brain for a while, but by the time I actually got comfortable enough to start writing, I revisited the idea and it ended up splitting into two different characters and plots, just for clarity and sophistication.
And for the second example: back when the Wednesday show first came out, I watched it and wanted to write for it, I had an OC built up and two chapters written... and then all kinds of things popped up about some of the actors, offensive dialogue choices, whatever else. I decided it was safest just to abandon that fic and leave it unposted, but I still love the OC idea (a very unique and dynamic person magically cursed to fade into the background no matter what they try) and I intend to recycle them into a future AHS fic I plan to write at some point.
That's a really interesting question, thank you for the ask!! <3 <3 <3
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bylertruther · 2 years ago
sends you this post and thinks about will byers along with it long n hard
oh dear lord in heaven not frankenstein . i clicked and saw that and immediately exited the tab in a panic bc hello. the extreme psychic damage of will AND frankenstein. i literally keep tht book on my nightstand. every character i've ever loved has had a piece of the creature inside of them, which is precisely why i love them. you are trying to KILL me................... god . okay i'm putting my big boy pants on to actually Look at the post brb trembling shaking sweating—
YOU GET IT.... will byers whose mother and brother love him so very much but had a father that wanted nothing to do with him. will byers whose father helped create him and brought him into this world lonnie who made a child and then decided he hated it. that it was subhuman that it was not worthy and would never be worthy bc what it is is isn't Good or Normal. the creature and will byers 🤝 persevering despite it all, wanting love despite it all, being Other, being treated as Subhuman, being denied by their creator, not being allowed a place in the world
also, these quotes which make me insane, too:
Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition; for often, like him, when I viewed the bliss of my protectors, the bitter gall of envy rose within me.
When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me. Was I, then, a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all men fled and whom all men disowned?
Remember that I am thy creature: I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed. Every where I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded.
I cherished hope, it is true, but it vanished when I beheld my person reflected in water or my shadow in the moonshine, even as that frail image and that inconstant shade. I endeavoured to crush these fears and to fortify myself for the trial which in a few months I resolved to undergo; and sometimes I allowed my thoughts, unchecked by reason, to ramble in the fields of Paradise, and dared to fancy amiable and lovely creatures sympathizing with my feelings and cheering my gloom; their angelic countenances breathed smiles of consolation. But it was all a dream; no Eve soothed my sorrows nor shared my thoughts; I was alone. I remembered Adam's supplication to his Creator. But where was mine? He had abandoned me, and in the bitterness of my heart I cursed him.
If any being felt emotions of benevolence towards me, I should return them a hundred and a hundredfold; for that one creature's sake I would make peace with the whole kind!
Have I not suffered enough, that you seek to increase my misery? Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it. Remember, thou hast made me more powerful than thyself; my height is superior to thine; my joints more supple. But I will not be tempted to set myself in opposition to thee. I am thy creature, and I will be even mild and docile to my natural lord and king, if thou wilt also perform thy part, the which thou owest me.
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aethersea · 1 year ago
@vargamornight said:
WHAT no way i actually loved that movie
that's because you have TASTE, that movie is a DELIGHT
it's also the first time I've seen a monster movie that actually pulls off that thing where they coyly refuse to say the name of the monster. and that's bc usually they do that in a self-mocking way, all "ooh our protagonists are genre-savvy, they're reacting Just Like You Would to the--" actually that's usually zombie movies isn't it? ok zombie movies get like half a pass bc that is a pretty valid reaction to the zombie apocalypse. sometimes you've gotta cling to sanity no matter how irrational it is. also Shawn of the Dead was hilarious.
anyway point is, when it's not zombies it often feels like they're too snooty to admit they're a monster movie, how gauche, no no we're far above such things. but in Night Teeth it works in service of the metaphor: every time they say "you know...people like us," it means vampires, yes – but it also means rich people. astronomically rich people, who are so divorced from the lived experience of everyone outside their social circle that they've lost all empathy for them. anyone who's not "one of them" is disposable. just a body, to be drained and discarded, not a person who has intrinsic worth and merits compassion.
it's not a subtle metaphor. it's not a new metaphor either, vampires have been the predatory ruling class for a long time now. but it gets points, in my book, for having the hapless young ingenue dragged into this dangerous world be a black hispanic kid who scrapes by to afford college and lives with his abuela. and it gets even more points for having humanity's heroic protectors be a gang of hispanic men who look like thugs, like criminals, and saying no: they're our defenders. they're our family. they're protecting our home.
devastating to go into the tag for an obscure vampire movie I've been quietly obsessed with for years to find mostly gifsets of minor characters (played by big-name actors) and review blogs saying they didn't like it :(
@ everyone who made a post saying "I liked it :)" I am blowing you a kiss. everyone who made a lovely gifset or photoset of the cinematography I am tipping my hat. that one poster that said "bro did y'all just miss the Entire Message about class and race or???" I am shaking your hand with enthusiasm there was SUCH a message about class and race
anyway everybody should watch Night Teeth and revel in glitzy flashy modern vampires in LA with me
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naemors · 2 years ago
one thing i want to get straightened out is that namor doesn't fit into a black and white morality scale - he isn't ' good ' or ' bad '. k'uk'ulkan is fully capable of committing truly heroic acts one day and then performing something heinous the next if he thinks it's what's best to keep his people safe. he doesn't operate on our morals, his morality is in a shade of grey that barely anyone else understands and that's because he's a ruler. he is whatever he needs to be to ensure the survival of his people because he truly believes no one else will do so.
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k'uk'ulkan makes the hard choices and takes the burdens unto himself so none of the talokanil have to suffer the weight of it - no matter what alliance he has with someone else, no matter how long he's known them, the safety of talokan and its people matter the most and they will always take precedent over anyone and anything. his morality has been shaped by the genocide committed against his people by spanish conquistadors, how they were forced to live in the oceans to survive and escape colonialism and disease that were ravaging them.
how, when he went to the surface to bury his mother, he saw the same colonizers enslaving his people and destroying a home that his mother loved - it changed him on a fundamental level, and from then on, he vowed to do whatever it takes to protect the talokanil, regardless of how he's viewed. namor has strict virtues but his morality is exceedingly flexible.
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something that must be understood when it comes to namor, is that he is not a villain - but he is not a hero either. the only ones that see him as a ' villain ' are the very people that have destroyed everything he's ever held dear, and when he responds with righteous rage, he is painted as a monster with ' little cause ' for his actions. even after his people were pushed into the seas, surfacers continue to destroy their home even now, polluting their oceans and killing the talokanil without a second thought. k'uk'ulkan's actions are not unwarranted, his reasons behind every action against the surface world ( and in the defense of his people ), have always been justified.
villains operate on a scale of selfishness, even seemingly good acts are done for personal reasons without a true thought to anyone else, acted on the desire to further their agenda - that does not apply to k'uk'ulkan. every step that he takes is to protect what he loves, even if it means that the horrible acts he performs hang heavy in his heart... it comes out of pure selflessness. even if he's hated and demonized, he will carry all of that, just for his people to prosper and never have to re-experience the genocide that drove them from their homes. to summarize, I'll end with this quote from namor:
" The good and noble, warring against the inevitable. Is that us? Is that what you think we are? You might have been right at one time. Maybe I was that man once. Maybe you were as well. But then we both lost our people and our kingdoms crumbled. Even now while we do what we must to keep the things we love alive, we become everything they hate. "
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years ago
Punk!Steve getting in a fight for the first time since reworking his everything.
Could be Party related, could just be some rando who needed to be reminded what their own blood tastes like. Actually yeah lets go with that one.
Some rando is being an absolute ass, making a girl uncomfortable in a public space. And Steve, who's been a protector for years now, has an ingrained need to Help and Defend where he can.
He tries to de-escalate first, but Rando is too much of a dick and pushes it into an actual fight.
Steve didn't use to win fights, but four years of monster fighting, the Russians, and hell even Billy, have taught him a thing or two. He surprises himself by being competent and then again when his spiked gloves make for an even shorter fight than he's expecting. He knocks the Rando out cold in three hits, stunned.
Steve is only stunned because he didn’t see himself from the outside. Eddie, however, did.
Its easy to forget how big a dude Steve actually is sometimes because he draws in on himself a lot, minimized the space he takes up. But when he fights? He stands straight up, squares his shoulders, takes a wide, strong stance. He looks intimidating, especially decked to the neck in chains and spikes. Most people wouldn't bother fucking around to get to the finding out.
But actually watching him just wreck shop like its his fucking job? Hot. Probably shouldn't be, but it is. He knows how deadly Steve can be when needed, and the part of Eddie that always has and always will live in the dark loves it.
Steve is his Knight in Spiked Armor, and Eddie will always love to see him live up to his title.
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years ago
Humble Protection
Fandom: The Witcher (TV) Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Jaskier Summary: "You should not go around with a Witcher, Jaskier," the Lady purred at him, battling her eyelashes. "They don't have emotions. Everyone knows." "I don't think this is your problem." The words escaped Jaskier before he could be more polite about it. Words: 542 Rating: T Prompt(s): 18.-  "I don't think this is your problem." From @fictober-event
Read @ AO3
"You should not go around with a Witcher, Jaskier," the Lady purred at him, battling her eyelashes. "They don't have emotions. Everyone knows."
"I don't think this is your problem." The words escaped Jaskier before he could be more polite about it. He almost winced and apologize, but then again, he realized how unfair the Lady's statement had been. Geralt was not the monster people made him out to be. So, he gave the woman the coldest look he could and said, "I am the one who travels with him, madame, and I am fortunate enough to call him my friend. I will not stand to see him besmirched by someone who believes everything they're told."
The woman blinks and her placid face turns into a cold mask of rage. Her cheeks are burning, and she glares at Jaskier in such a way, that he's sure that if the woman were a sorceress, there would be a curse of some kind going his way. "Suit yourself you foolish bard," with that, the woman stands and leaves.
He watches her go for a moment longer before shrugging and returning to his wine and food. But that gives him a chance to really think about what witchers have to deal with. They are seen as monsters in the say way those that Geralt and his brothers kill, he really doesn't understand it.
Geralt did not sprout fully grown from the land. He had a mother who bore him - even if she gave him away - and someone who he calls father when there are no witnesses. He worries and mourns those witchers who die in the line of duty.
And he cares for him.
Oh, he knows that he has not been the best traveling companion. He knows that he sometimes makes Geralt regret accepting his presence, but never once he has felt unsafe from Geralt. Oh, his words could cut you like the swords he carries with him. Sharp, well aimed cuts that would have you bleeding and weeping. But he had never risen a fist, a hand against him or anyone who weren't as strong without reason.
Not to mention, Geralt is, at his essence, a protector of the weak.
And yes, Geralt did not need him to protect him. But, he would in his own way. He would continue to sing his praises, he would continue to watch and learn so he can grow - both as a bard and as person. He would continue to defend him in a battle of wits, he would continue walking side by side with Geralt and make sure he was cared for. He would help him and Ciri, he would be the friend, brother, lover that he needed. He would not allow an offense to stand in the manner of words (Geralt can handle the manner of battle).
He had made his mind up.
Geralt was family now and family always took care of each other. Family fought, argued, annoyed each other, made up, forgave and protected. And he would. He would be the person that Geralt could come to and speak should he ever want to.
After all, that was what you did, for the one you loved. And for one who loved you back.
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midnight-raven · 3 years ago
✨ Encanto/Eternals AU: A Sky Full of Stars
Many centuries ago, a sinister race of deadly monsters had been hiding in the shadows of the Earth, causing mayhem and chaos upon the people of the planet. But just as mankind was facing its darkest moment, a bright star had fallen from the heavens and landed on Earth. From the heart of the fallen star came the Madrigals.
The Madrigals are a family of magical humanoid beings born from the magic of the heavens, each one crafted with perfection and each one blessed with a unique gift to become the planet's mightiest protectors.
For years, the Madrigals used their gifts to serve their new home, and protect mankind from the deadly creatures until they were finally defeated and had retreated back into the shadows. Over time, the Madrigals followed suit. With their greatest enemy defeated, the mythical protectors all disappeared, eventually finding their new places in the evolving society.
But when their age-old energy plots a return, the Madrigals will have to unite to stop them once and for all.
Alma is the spiritual leader of the Madrigals, with the gift of celestial wisdom. Since their arrival, Alma has guided her family towards defending humanity and protecting their new home. Over time, humanity continued to evolve, and soon, the family all found their new places in the world. Meanwhile, Alma continued to listen to the stars, awaiting what would happen next.
Julieta is the healer of the family, for she is able to heal any illness or injury known to mankind. Julieta cares very deeply about her celestial family, and for their new home. When the team had dispersed, Julieta still wished to help as many as she could and became a cook in a local hospital, keeping her powers hidden, and eventually falling in love with a clumsy piano player.
Pepa is a warrior who has the ability to control the weather. Pepas’ emotions could change from a simple cloudy day to a powerful hurricane, her every emotion became a weapon. Sometimes her own emotions became too much for Pepa to control on her own. When their war with the creatures was over, Pepa decided to share her life with a mortal man she meet, who could calm her down when she was brewing a powerful storm.
Bruno, the Madrigal who had the ability to see into the future. Bruno loved his family and used his visions to help them in any way that he could; however, he soon developed a condition known to celestials as Mind Wy’ry. In which Bruno was unable to tell the difference between his memories/nightmares and real life, it got to a point where Bruno fell into a trance and attacked his family. After the incident, Bruno disappeared, and no one has seen him for thousands of years.
When a Star finds its Soulmate, their hearts become connected, giving any mortal an extended lifespan. Agustin and Felix Madrigal had been the first two men to share their hearts and lives with a Star.
Isabela was blessed with the gift to grow a wide variety of plants and flowers with a wave of her hand. When the family went their separate ways, Isabela continued to blossom. Her powers grew like the grapes thriving on a vine, and so Isabela continued to thrive. Over time, Isabela became known as a beautiful and graceful dancer.
Dolores, able to hear anything and anyone from miles away. When the creatures were attacking, Dolores would use her gift to detect when and where they would be attacking from. Keeping her family safe from anything that would harm them. Over time, the creatures were defeated, Dolores found peace in their silence, and in her new love, Mariano. However, she always kept her ears listening out for any upcoming threat, and would anonymously help the police with finding missing people or criminals on the loose.
Luisa, the strongest member of the team; best known for keeping a cool head in the face of danger. For years, Luisa has carried the weight of her family’s burden, determined to keep everyone safe until the dreaded creatures were finally vanquished. After the war, Luisa continued to use her gift to help society build its foundations towards a new future. All the while, Luisa kept her insecurities to herself, slowly crumbling inside.
Camilo, a magical shapeshifter who could turn into any person he’s seen. In battle, Camilo would use his gift to confuse the enemy, or shift between different weights, sizes, or speeds he’ll need in combat. Outside of battle, Camilo would use his gift for entertainment. Shifting into many people to tell stories, or pull pranks on different members of his family. After the war, Camilo had to use his ability to keep his eternal lifeline a secret from the world, often wondering in private who he was meant to be in the new world.
Mirabel, blessed with the gift of empathy. By touching another person, Mirabel could feel their emotions, and alter them, even putting them into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, it hadn’t proven useful in battle, so to make up for it, Mirabel became skilled with every weapon she could master. Like the rest of her family, Mirabel fell in love with their new home planet and swore to protect their home. She went along with Julieta, to help others in any way she could.
Antonio, the youngest-looking spirit who could communicate with animals of every species and size. With the appearance of a child, Antonio never came face-to-face with the enemy of his family, instead, he and his animal companions would keep any nearby human out of harm's way. In his new life, Antonio and Pepa found a home in the middle of a thriving forest, where Antonio could spend his days with his animal companions and use his powers in private.
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madysyn02art · 3 years ago
Hear me out
I think that Merlin and Morgana were actually supposed to be in the opposite roles.
What I mean is that I think Merlin was supposed to go ‘dark’ and Morgana was supposed to become the protector and stay in the light.
They are the perfect counter for each other- mostly because their magic was wildly different. (Morgana being a seer and her magic being controlled through spells, while Merlin’s is very hard to control and much more instinctual. They countered each other’s weaknesses) Since they were perfect counters- as long as they were on opposite sides there was balance. And what is the old religion all about? That’s right balance.
So, what does this have to do with my original point? Well, now that we have established that they could have been in the opposite roles- why weren’t they and why should they have been?
First- why weren’t they? For this question my answer is simple. Kilgarrah. As soon as he is released he tried to destroy Camelot- despite previously being a ‘defender’ of Camelot, Arthur, and Albion. He has a clear motive for revenge and does act on it. He was also the one to put Merlin and Morgana against each other and put them in their roles. Prophesies are fickle and hard to understand - except we get the idea that dragons are able to understand them. What if, after his race is extinguished and he’s locked up like a trophy- he decides that he’s going to go destroy Uther and the Pendragons? What better way to do this than make sure Albion never comes to pass by switching the roles.
What you think about it- Merlin is much more suited to the shadows. And- unlike Morgana- has faced magical discrimination since early childhood and can much better connect with the magical community and peasants- something Morgana struggles with. Merlin is more prone to pettiness and revenge, while Morgana is more about Justice. She has social and political sway that Merlin didn’t have that would have allowed her to protect Arthur and change his mind. She also didn’t have a lifetime of secrecy that influenced whether she would tell anyone (something Merlin doesn’t do even when it is sometimes life or death) There are many ways they could have switched places. Maybe it’s Balinor’s death that pushes Merlin or maybe he realizes Morgause is right, or another new character. Maybe Morgana understands Uthers influence but knows Arthur is a better person and she can’t stand see Camelot (her people) be hurt when they are innocent.
I’m not saying Merlin is evil- just like Morgana isn’t evil in the show. But I can’t help but think about how everything goes wrong for BOTH Merlin and Morgana whenever they do anything. Its always felt like they were trying to mold themselves into roles that didn’t quite fit.
(I also think it would have been a good way to delve more into Merlin’s control over his magic- or rather a lack of one. Him thinking himself a monster- like he does in the show- and so thinking that becoming a monster is his only option. Getting scared when he accidentally uses too much magic or it goes out of control.)
And because Merlin is still a main character we’d get more development of the magical community outside of Camelot.
I would have loved to see this. Morgana pleading with Merlin to come back. Her being the only one to understand him- him staying an antagonist even with a magic reveal and Arthur starting to change the laws because it’s in his nature to be inherently distrustful but eventually him accepting it. Arthur and him resolving their differences and becoming friends. Gwen helping him adjust and him learning magic with Morgana. Gaius getting his nephew back. Them creating Albion together.
Ah it would have been amazing.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years ago
Cracking out some more Egyptian Gods. This time, the Egyptian Gods of Childbirth.
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The Egyptian Goddess of Childbirth, Life, and Fertility. Taweret is known for being the Protective Goddess of Women and Children, especially in Labor. She was also a Household Deity helping people for those who are Rich or Poor. Her name means “The Great One”. She is depicted as a Hippopotamus with a Tail of a Crocodile and even the Claws of a Lion (both of which those Animals were gratefully feared of Egypt respectfully). Although she was mainly a Mother Figure Deity, she can be a Dangerous One like how Hippopotamuses are in Real Life. As the Goddess of Childbirth, she was also associated with nursing the Young Infants but she was also associated with the Nile like how Hippos live in the Water. She didn’t have any Temples since she was a Domestic Deity but only had Small Statue Figures of Her as Pregnant Women would often carry those statues with an amulet to depict the Goddess. She would even aid the Dead in Duat as another association was that she was involved in resurrection and rebirth. In Egyptian Myths, Taweret was guarding and even protecting the Young Horus (Osiris and Isis’ Son), she even held down Set as Horus killed him. Her Husband was somehow said to be Apophis (the Serpent of Chaos), as he would come in the Night for Her so she could represent Evil.
SBSP Universe
Taweret is The Egyptian Goddess of Childbirth, Life, and Fertility and even the Wife of Bes. She is one of the Nurse Goddesses of Egypt as she mainly helps out Women who give birth to their own Children. She is very Nice, Polite, Bubbly, and Friendly. She’s one of the Egyptian Babysitters who nurse the Infants for their own Health. She also happens to be a Best Friend to Heqet as She and Heqet always do things together whenever they’re on their Jobs or Not. They have been Best Friends since Childhood and will always remain that way between Frog and Hippopotamus. She also has OCD as she mainly fears being a horrifying hippo monster that Egypt fears as she can be overprotective of Children if they are lost or in trouble. During the Bad Era of Egypt, The Goddesses including Taweret had to protect and even nurse Horus when he was Young as Taweret was a Nanny to Horus during his Youth Peasant Days. She and Bes have a Cute Relationship despite Bes most of the time being a Goofball towards Taweret which makes her laugh. Even though Bes can be an Idiot, She still loves him as the Two support each other no matter what. After all, she was a Geeky Girl to his Dimwitted but Fun Nature. She doesn’t mind Neptune and Poseidon (although she can sometimes dislike them for their arrogance). She does get along with Other Pantheon Goddesses who are Nurses or Childbirth Deities like her like Lucina and Eileithyia. She actually likes SpongeBob and Patrick as she gifts them some of her own Egyptian Items.
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The Egyptian God of Music, Merriment, and Childbirth. He is known as the Protector of Children. He is often depicted as a Dwarf having facial hair, wearing a pelt and a feather crown. He is known as the Protector of Everything Good and Defender of All that is Evil. He is often worshiped as a protector of households. According to Ancient History, as the Deity of Good, his Spirit watches over Children and Aiding Women in Labour as he Kills off Snakes and Fights Off Spirits of Evil (including Demons). He presented Taweret at Births. He also symbolized Good Things in Life such as Music, Dance, and Sexual Pleasure.
SBSP Universe
Bes is The Egyptian God of Music, Merriment, and Childbirth and the Husband of Taweret. He is Best known as the Protector and Savior of All Children for Families. Bes is an Extreme Goofball as he tends to be Joyful and Outgoing. He loves Families as he sees the Good Heart in Children who have behaved Good as he would often protect the Young Ones from Anything Evil such as Strangers. He’s also a Fighter of Demons as he could fight Evil Spirits away from People. He loves Women as he Aids them for Good Health and Pressure. Despite his Antics, they could sometimes lead into Trouble as Set’s goofy nature can sometimes lead into Stupidity as an Accident. He really loves Taweret and Bes has a Shy Crush on Her and even can make her Laugh which Taweret enjoys as the Two seem to have an Adorable Healthy Relationship since they’re both Good at protecting Children and Women. He does like Neptune and Poseidon as Bes can relate to any Joyful Deity like Bacchus or Dionysus. He also could get along very well with Patrick.
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